well iam now more scared about this country then a minute ago ,the FBI need to be disbanded right away,and thanks to bidens cowardly retreat those women were murdered and iam sure more will follow ,as to ukraine why are we supporting a dictatorship with nazi ties? sick all around ,and love your writing
Thank you for the praise. Yes, it is a troubling development in this country how these stories of the diminishment for citizens constitutional rights are happening more frequently. Part of the problem appears to be the appointed judges who seem to reinterpret what our Bill of Rights actually means.
As to Ukraine-Russia conflict, I believe I stated on Twitter the problems with the enforced collusion between the Media, Academia, and Gov't to spin one narrative on the situation. Anyone who raises a question about how much the US is sending over there in military and taxpayer dollars gets shouted down as a Putin apologist, unpatriotic, or some other insult. There were plenty of opportunities to diplomatically bring this conflict to an end with some compromise between NATO, Ukraine and Russia. Yet trying to arm one side to the teeth to fight a proxy war definitely seems to be the wrong move.
One doesn't have to be one either side to see that global conflicts happen all over in different regions, and we do not have to stick our nose into everything. Especially with a former superpower who still has nuclear weapons. I could expand on this topic all day, but the best phrase I read that sums it up is this: "Small wars are preferable to World Wars."
Thank you again for reading. Hoping to have a post tomorrow about American history, its meaning, and how it has been contorted by certain ideologies for their own ends.
well iam now more scared about this country then a minute ago ,the FBI need to be disbanded right away,and thanks to bidens cowardly retreat those women were murdered and iam sure more will follow ,as to ukraine why are we supporting a dictatorship with nazi ties? sick all around ,and love your writing
Thank you for the praise. Yes, it is a troubling development in this country how these stories of the diminishment for citizens constitutional rights are happening more frequently. Part of the problem appears to be the appointed judges who seem to reinterpret what our Bill of Rights actually means.
As to Ukraine-Russia conflict, I believe I stated on Twitter the problems with the enforced collusion between the Media, Academia, and Gov't to spin one narrative on the situation. Anyone who raises a question about how much the US is sending over there in military and taxpayer dollars gets shouted down as a Putin apologist, unpatriotic, or some other insult. There were plenty of opportunities to diplomatically bring this conflict to an end with some compromise between NATO, Ukraine and Russia. Yet trying to arm one side to the teeth to fight a proxy war definitely seems to be the wrong move.
One doesn't have to be one either side to see that global conflicts happen all over in different regions, and we do not have to stick our nose into everything. Especially with a former superpower who still has nuclear weapons. I could expand on this topic all day, but the best phrase I read that sums it up is this: "Small wars are preferable to World Wars."
Thank you again for reading. Hoping to have a post tomorrow about American history, its meaning, and how it has been contorted by certain ideologies for their own ends.