It seems to me that all of the interventions, whether with foreign aid, or direct controls have been an overall negative for the continent. Perhaps it would be best to let them naturally find their civilizational level instead. That won't happen, of course. Too many other world powers see the untapped resources and all that can be extracted from the land.
It seems to me that all of the interventions, whether with foreign aid, or direct controls have been an overall negative for the continent. Perhaps it would be best to let them naturally find their civilizational level instead. That won't happen, of course. Too many other world powers see the untapped resources and all that can be extracted from the land.
Europe has been bleeding Africa for a long time, China claims to be helping African countries to industrialize, but I assume they will mostly extract as well. I’m dubious too about growth rates. It used to be the UN talked about humanity hitting 12bil before levelling off, but then Covid happened and, with Bill Gates “philanthropy” in Africa, it seems more like a deliberate attempt to reduce population across the board.
Europe has “bled” Africa of resources that meant nothing at all to Africans. The discourse on this is proven dishonest by the facilitation of a population explosion - simply put, Africans have benefitted from European and western involvement there and that’s why so many are alive today.
That said - you can be dubious all you like. The models are proven by the statistics and unlike in Latin America and SE Asia, Africans do not have less children once infant mortality rates are generously reduced by western interventions. The old models are not working there and unless something radically shifts there will be over 2 billion Africans and not enough food or resources, at which point Europe will have to make difficult choices to ensure its survival.
that is the thing is that civilization exploded onto Africa all at once. Some coastal areas had extensive contacts with Europeans dating back to the 16th or 17th centuries, but in other areas like much of East Africa Europeans didn't get there at all until the late 19th century, and Africa was directly controlled by Europe for a remarkably short period of time.
It seems to me that all of the interventions, whether with foreign aid, or direct controls have been an overall negative for the continent. Perhaps it would be best to let them naturally find their civilizational level instead. That won't happen, of course. Too many other world powers see the untapped resources and all that can be extracted from the land.
Europe has been bleeding Africa for a long time, China claims to be helping African countries to industrialize, but I assume they will mostly extract as well. I’m dubious too about growth rates. It used to be the UN talked about humanity hitting 12bil before levelling off, but then Covid happened and, with Bill Gates “philanthropy” in Africa, it seems more like a deliberate attempt to reduce population across the board.
Europe has “bled” Africa of resources that meant nothing at all to Africans. The discourse on this is proven dishonest by the facilitation of a population explosion - simply put, Africans have benefitted from European and western involvement there and that’s why so many are alive today.
That said - you can be dubious all you like. The models are proven by the statistics and unlike in Latin America and SE Asia, Africans do not have less children once infant mortality rates are generously reduced by western interventions. The old models are not working there and unless something radically shifts there will be over 2 billion Africans and not enough food or resources, at which point Europe will have to make difficult choices to ensure its survival.
that is the thing is that civilization exploded onto Africa all at once. Some coastal areas had extensive contacts with Europeans dating back to the 16th or 17th centuries, but in other areas like much of East Africa Europeans didn't get there at all until the late 19th century, and Africa was directly controlled by Europe for a remarkably short period of time.